Career Academy sign at the Harry Hopkins Center.

 Previously published on September 29, 2021

The Harry Hopkins Center in Sioux City has been working with the Sioux City Community School District since the 2010-2011 school year. Since then, hundreds of students have utilized the hands on learning provided in their Career and Technical Education Program.

The Harry Hopkins Center’s Career Academy teaches students advanced skills and training in several career paths. Sioux City Community schools are focused on educating students in auto collision, welding, and automotive pathways.

Children can take advantage of these opportunities as early as their freshman year of high school, with introduction courses that later lead to more advanced teachings in the specific fields. The program incorporates advanced automotive technical training and utilities students’ academic knowledge in math, reading, and electronics.

“We like to say we teach a lot of hands on skills that are life long learning. You can take whatever skills you have here and move them into whether you buy a house or have your first car. Just in general, life long learning of simple skills or skill that you can use all the time,” said Terry Gardner, Industrial Technology Instructor at Harry Hopkins Center.

Gardner said he knows of several graduates from Sioux City Community Schools, that took advantage of the Career Academy, and have now accepted positions in their field of interest right here in Sioux City. Over 30% of graduates in the last 4 years have found jobs in automotive, welding, or autobody thanks to the Career Academy.

See the full coverage from KTIV’s Hailey Barrus here.