Virtual  Courses

American Government

Required/Elective: Required
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Proficiency Required: None
High School Course Number: 8002
High School Credits: 1 Credit

GPA: Yes
Session: 1st Semester, 2nd Semester
Prerequisites: None
Dual Credit: N/A
College Credits: N/A

Course Description

This core social studies course is a study of the origins, development, structure, and functions of the American national government. Topics include the constitutional framework; federalism; the three branches of government, including the bureaucracy; civil rights and liberties; political participation and behavior; and policy formation. Basic concepts of state and local government and their relationships with the federal government will be examined. Local issues, as well as those around the world, and how our government policies affect how we live will be studied.

Meets American Government graduation requirement.