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IB/PYP Programs of Inquiry (POI)

Perry Creek Elementary POI for 2022-2023

How we express ourselves

How the world works

Who we are

How we organize ourselves

Sharing the planet

Where we are in place and time

An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs, and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social, and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.

An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.

An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.

An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.

Transitional Kindergarten

TK-How We Express Ourselves -People working together in classrooms and communities
6 weeks

Central idea
Emotions and decisions affect myself and others

Key concepts
Perspective, Connection, Form

Related concepts
English- expression

PSPE- emotion, relationships

Social Studies- conflict, teamwork

Connection- Relationships

Form- Differences

Perspective- Opinion

Line of inquiry

  1. Appreciating others around us

  2. Explore Self-awareness

TK How the World Works- How Things are Made
6 weeks

Central idea
People build things to meet a need.

Key concepts
Change, Connection, Function

Related concepts
Arts- structure
Mathematics- function
Science and Technology- Composition
Change- transformation
Connection- Interdependence
Function- communication

Line of inquiry

  1. Materials have different functions

  2. Structures are based on needs

TK Similarities and Differences in Social Groups
6 weeks

Central idea
People have different forms of families and communities that define them.

Key concepts
Responsibility, Function, Form

Related concepts
English- communication
Mathematics- number, pattern
Social Studies- community

Line of inquiry

  1. Similarities and differences between people

  2. Making and keeping friends

  3. Importance of family and friends

TK Where We Are in Place and Time- How People and Things Move- Transportation
6 weeks

Central idea
People use a variety of methods to move from place to place.

Key concepts
Connection, Form, Causation

Related concepts
English- Needs
PSPE- movement
Social Studies- motivation
Causation- Consequences
Connection- Relationships, usage
Form- Differences

Line of inquiry

  1. Needs affect choices

  2. Similarities and differences between modes of transportation


Kindergarten Being a Reader and Writer about our World
6 weeks

Central idea
People Read and Write to Learn About Others

Key concepts
Function, Responsibility

Related concepts
English- characteristics
Science and Technology- symbols
Social Studies- identify

Line of inquiry

  1. Books Inform Us (Function)
    2. People Use Resources (Function)
    3. Writers share facts (Responsibility)

6 weeks

Central idea
Living things are interdependent on one another.

Key concepts
Causation, Function

Related concepts
English- cause-effect
Science and Technology- cause and effect, cooperation
Social Studies- cause and effect

Line of inquiry

  1. Humans cooperate in communities.
    2. Living things depend on each other.
    3. Decisions affect the world around us.
    4. Attitudes: Respect and Empathy

Kindergarten Patterns
6 weeks

Central idea
Patterns are all around us.

Key concepts
Causation, Form

Related concepts
Arts- pattern
English- sequence
Science and Technology- cause and effect

Line of inquiry

  1. Human Routines (Form)
    2. Rhythms and Patterns Impact Humans (Causation)
    3. Sequences inform people (Causation)

Kindergarten: Living Things and their needs and wants
6 weeks

Central idea
Living things change to survive.

Key concepts
Connection, Change

Related concepts
English- relationships
Science and Technology- cycles, needs, survival
Social Studies- relationships

Line of inquiry

  1. Needs and Wants of Living Things (Connection)
    2. Specific attributes/life cycles of living things (how they grow, change, move) (Change)
    3. How Living Things Affect the Environment & How the Environment Affects Living Things (Connection)

Kindergarten Advancements in Technology Over Time
6 weeks

Central idea
Using different perspectives, people compare and contrast advancements in technology.

Key concepts
Perspective, Responsibility

Related concepts
English- compare and contrast
Science and Technology- properties
Social Studies- technology

Line of inquiry

  1. Engineers make improvements (Responsibility)
    2. Technology changes over time (Responsibility)
    3. Readers compare and contrast (Perspective)

Market Places
6 weeks

Central idea
People make choices that affect their future.

Key concepts
Responsibility, Connection

Related concepts
Arts- create, display
Mathematics- calculate
Social Studies- evaluate

Line of inquiry

  1. Consequences of spending and saving
    2. Solving real world problems
    3. Visual displays entice people
    4. Attitudes: Cooperation and Appreciation


Successful Communities
6 weeks

Central idea
Communities take action to solve problems.

Key concepts
Connection, Responsibility

Related concepts
English- central message
PSPE- citizenship
Social Studies- action

Line of inquiry

  1. Identify problems around us
    2. Ways communities solve problems
    3. People contribute to a community
    4. Attitudes: Integrity and Enthusiasm


Materials and their intended purposes
6 weeks

Central idea
Materials have properties suited for intended purposes.

Key concepts
Change, Form, Perspective

Related concepts
Arts- choice
English- opinion
Science and Technology- matter, properties

Line of inquiry

  1. Properties of matter
    2. Materials have different purposes
    3. Opinions influence choices
    4. Attitudes: Tolerance and Confidence

Where I am on a map
6 weeks

Central idea
Geography of Earth

Key concepts
Form, Perspective

Related concepts
English- traits
Social Studies- identify, location

Line of inquiry

  1. Earth has many types of landforms
    2. Environmental characteristics impact locations
    3. People communicate information in a variety of ways
    4. Attitudes: Curiosity and Independence

First Grade

Opinions-Compare and Contrast Connections
6 weeks

Central idea
People make improvements based on opinions, observations, and questions.

Key concepts
Connection, Function, Perspective

Related concepts
English- opinion
Mathematics- comparison
Science and Technology- cooperation

Line of inquiry

  1. writers report on observations
    2. knowledge form opinions

6 weeks

Central idea
Living things adapt as light changes.

Key concepts
Function, Perspective

Related concepts
English- cause-effect
Science and Technology- adaptation, patterns
Social Studies- changes, patterns

Line of inquiry

  1. LOI#1 Changes in light
    2. LOI #2 Light impacts the world

Families and Cultures
6 weeks

Central idea
Culture influences interaction with others.

Key concepts
Perspective, Connection

Related concepts
Arts- harmony
English- connection
Social Studies- relationships
Connection- Relationships

Line of inquiry

  1. Stories about family traditions
    2. Diverse cultures and beliefs
    3. Art and Music from various parts of the world

Roles and responsibilities
6 weeks

Central idea
People's roles and responsibilities form the community.

Key concepts
Perspective, Causation, Responsibility

Related concepts
English- interactions
PSPE- cooperation
Social Studies- relationships

Line of inquiry

  1. People work together
    2. Roles in communities
    3. Connecting with people around us

Earth's Place in the Universe- Sun, Moon, Stars
6 weeks

Central idea
The sun and the moon cause changes on Earth.

Key concepts
Form, Change

Related concepts
Arts- pattern
English- cause-effect
Science and Technology- cycles

Line of inquiry

  1. The sun affects weather
    2. Patterns of the moon
    3. Cycles of seasons

Past and Present Changes
6 weeks

Central idea
The past has impacted the world today.

Key concepts
Form, Change

Related concepts
Arts- expression
English- compare and contrast
Social Studies- technology, time

Line of inquiry

  1. Past influence present
    2. Differences in technology in everyday life
    3. art expresses history

Second Grade

Market Places
6 weeks

Central idea
People make choices that affect their future.

Key concepts
Responsibility, Connection

Related concepts
Arts- create, display
Mathematics- calculate
Social Studies- evaluate

Line of inquiry

  1. Consequences of spending and saving
    2. Solving real-world problems
    3. Visual displays entice people
    4. Attitudes: Cooperation and Appreciation

6 weeks

Central idea
Living things are interdependent on one another.

Key concepts
Causation, Function

Related concepts
English- cause-effect
Science and Technology- cause and effect, cooperation
Social Studies- cause and effect

Line of inquiry

  1. Humans cooperate in communities.
    2. Living things depend on each other.
    3. Decisions affect the world around us.
    4. Attitudes: Respect and Empathy

Successful Communities
6 weeks

Central idea
Communities take action to solve problems.

Key concepts
Connection, Responsibility

Related concepts
English- central message
PSPE- citizenship
Social Studies- action

Line of inquiry

  1. Identify problems around us
    2. Ways communities solve problems
    3. People contribute to a community
    4. Attitudes: Integrity and Enthusiasm

Solving a problem
6 weeks

Central idea
Designing and creating models can improve the world around us.

Key concepts
Change, Form

Related concepts
English- sequence
Mathematics- process
Science and Technology- improvement, model

Line of inquiry

  1. People investigate problems
    2. Designing solutions to problems
    3. Models can be improved
    4. Attitudes: Commitment and Creativity

Materials and their intended purposes
6 weeks

Central idea
Materials have properties suited for intended purposes.

Key concepts
Form, Perspective, Change

Related concepts
Arts- choice
English- opinion
Science and Technology- matter, properties

Line of inquiry

  1. Properties of matter
    2. Materials have different purposes
    3. Opinions influence choices
    4. Attitudes: Tolerance and Confidence

Where I am on a map
6 weeks

Central idea
Geography of Earth

Key concepts
Form, Perspective

Related concepts
English- traits
Social Studies- identify, location

Line of inquiry

  1. Earth has many types of landforms
    2. Environmental characteristics impact locations
    3. People communicate information in a variety of ways
    4. Attitudes: Curiosity and Independence

Third Grade

Informative Writing
6 weeks

Central idea
People use their knowledge and research to convey ideas and information clearly.

Key concepts
Perspective, Connection

Related concepts
English- research
Science and Technology- cycles
Social Studies- identify

Line of inquiry

  1. Curiosity leads to creativity
    2. Information can be presented in multiple ways
    3. Research develops new understandings

Forces & Interactions
6 weeks

Central idea
Effects of forces on an object cause a variety of interactions.

Key concepts
Form, Connection, Perspective

Related concepts
Arts- display
English- interactions
Science and Technology- cause and effect

Line of inquiry

  1. Causes and effects of motion
    2. Forces and motion are related
    3. Observations can be represented visually

Function of Government
6 weeks

Central idea
The purpose of government is to connect the community and its citizens.

Key concepts
Function, Responsibility, Connection

Related concepts
Arts- perception
English- structure
Social Studies- Community

Line of inquiry

  1. Roles and responsibilities of citizens
    2. Function of government in communities
    3. Types of government

6 weeks

Central idea
Interactions within a society cause a variety of changes.

Key concepts
Function, Causation, Change

Related concepts
English- cause-effect, patterns
Science and Technology- cause and effect, conflict, improvement, interactions, movement
Social Studies- cause and effect

Line of inquiry

  1. Migration changes communities
    2. People migrate

Financial and Career Goals
6 weeks

Central idea
Individuals' financial and career decisions impact the world

Key concepts
Perspective, Causation, Responsibility

Related concepts
English- opinion
Mathematics- comparison
Social Studies- action, planning

Line of inquiry

  1. Decision-making impacts goals
    2. Connections between expectations and goals
    3. Opinions affect perspectives

6 weeks

Central idea
Interaction between a variety of cultural groups creates opportunity and conflict.

Key concepts
Change, Responsibility, Connection

Related concepts
English- information
PSPE- movement
Social Studies- location

Line of inquiry

  1. Connections between cultural groups
    2. Informed decisions affect movement
    3. People move in different ways

Fourth Grade

Social Conflict
6 weeks

Central idea
Social groups conflict and collaborate.

Key concepts
Causation, Perspective

Related concepts
English- cause-effect, compare and contrast
PSPE- teamwork
Social Studies- interpretation

Line of inquiry

  1. Conflict and collaboration between social groups.
    2. People have different perspectives.
    3. Personal behavior affects social interactions.

Weathering and Erosion
6 weeks

Central idea
Land changes over time.

Key concepts
Function, Causation, Change

Related concepts
Arts- connection
English- information
Science and Technology- cause and effect

Line of inquiry

  1. Weathering, erosion, and deposition
    2. Natural processes change the land

Geography of the world around us
6 weeks

Central idea
A region is comprised of shared characteristics.

Key concepts
Connection, Perspective

Related concepts
Arts- display
English- meaning
Social Studies- culture, location

Line of inquiry

Relationships between regions.
2. Communities are formed by common characteristics.

6 weeks

Central idea
Agriculture evolves over time

Key concepts
Causation, Change, Responsibility

Related concepts
English- order
Science and Technology- conservation
Social Studies- evolve, location

Line of inquiry

  1. Advancements in agriculture
    2. Importance of conservation

Sources of Energy
6 weeks

Central idea
Sustainable energy impacts the environment.

Key concepts
Function, Causation, Perspective

Related concepts
Arts- design, shape
English- purpose, relationships
Science and Technology- energy

Line of inquiry

  1. Technology and the environment
    2. Design affects outcome
    3. Perspectives of sustainable energy

Society Development
6 weeks

Central idea
Communities change over time.

Key concepts
Form, Causation, Change

Related concepts
Arts- creation
English- communication
Social Studies- community, migration

Line of inquiry

  1. Factors affect the development of communities
    2. People share information in many ways
    3. Art expresses ideas

Fifth Grade

6 weeks

Central idea
Relationships and perspectives change within a time period.

Key concepts
Change, Connection, Perspective

Related concepts
Arts- purpose
English- influence
Social Studies- cause and effect
Change- Sequences
Connection- relationships
Perspective- Opinion

Line of inquiry

  1. Revolutions involve different perspectives (Perspective)
    2. Events influence beliefs (Connection)
    3. Musical ideas express intent (Change)

Properties of Matter
6 weeks

Central idea
Exploring properties of our world.

Key concepts
Form, Change

Related concepts
Arts- creativity
Mathematics- analysis
Science and Technology- classification
Change- Transformation
Form- Properties

Line of inquiry

  1. Different attributes of matter (Form)
    2. Matter cannot be created or destroyed (Change)
    3. How matter changes (Change)

Global Influencers
6 weeks

Central idea
Global Influencers affect our world.

Key concepts
Function, Perspective

Related concepts
Arts- interpretation
English- audience
Social Studies- solution
Function- Systems

Line of inquiry

  1. Technology impacts individuals (Function)
    2. Writing can inform audiences (Perspective)
    3. Visual interpretations (Perspective)

Civil Injustices
6 weeks

Central idea
Systems and decisions affect opportunities in society.

Key concepts
Causation, Responsibility, Perspective

Related concepts
English- form, interpretation
Science and Technology- form, systems, values
Social Studies- cause and effect, interpretation

Line of inquiry

  1. The effects of war and change on societies. (Causation)
    2. Technological perspective and its economic impact on ones environment (Perspective)
    3. Decisions from the past affect the world today (Responsibility)

6 weeks

Central idea
Humans and resources affect the development of socities.

Key concepts
Causation, Change, Perspective

Related concepts
English- connection
PSPE- goals
Social Studies- cause and effect
Causation- Consequences
Change- adaptation
Perspective- beliefs

Line of inquiry

  1. Movement of human populations (Causation)
    2. Perspectives on sequences of events (Perspective)
    3. Goals effect human health (Change)

Solar System
6 weeks

Central idea
Interpreting data represents change in systems.

Key concepts
Function, Form, Change

Related concepts
Arts- expression
Mathematics- data
Science and Technology- discovery, order, systems
Change- Cycles

Line of inquiry

  1. Graphs display data (Change)
    2. Characteristics of planets (Form)
    3. Models represent a system (Function)

Nodland & Sunnyside Elementary POI for 2023-2024

How We Express Ourselves

How the World Works

Who We Are

How We Organize Ourselves

Sharing the Planet

Where We are in Place and Time

An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs, and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social, and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.

An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.

An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.

An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.

Transitional Kindergarten


Central Idea
Our imagination helps us create our own perspective and make alterations to our changing world

Key Concepts
Perspective, Change

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry

Feelings and Emotions
2. The Engineering Design Process
3. Change happens as/when people work to improve things/items/ themselves

Descriptor: 3
Learner Profile: Communicator, Open Minded, Risk-Taker
ATL: Research Skills, Thinking Skills

Choices and Human Needs, Buying and Spending

Central Idea
Choices affect our buying and spending

Key Concepts
Responsibility, Function

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Human needs (Causation)
2. Good and services (Learning money/trading) (Responsibility)
3. Buying and spending (Responsibility)

Descriptor: 4
Learner Profile: Balanced, Reflective
ATL: Social Skills, communication

Families, School, and Community

Central Idea
People collaborate in a variety of ways to help a community function.

Key Concepts
Responsibility, Function

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Being responsible in my immediate community (Responsibility)
2. Community helpers help our community (Responsibility)
3. Community involvement for students/families (Responsibility, Function)

Descriptor: 4
Learner Profile: Principled, caring, inquirer
ATL: Social Skills, Communication skills

What is in my neighborhood?

Central Idea
People live in communities to meet their needs.

Key Concepts
Form, Connection

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. People in my neighborhood (Connection)
2. Neighborhoods around the world (Form)
3. Map/Model of my neighborhood ( Form, Connection)

Descriptor: 3
Learner Profile: Knowledgeable, Thinker
ATL: Research, Thinking Skills


Long Ago and Today, Engineering

Central Idea
Things change over time.

Key Concepts

Related Concepts
Teamwork, Time

Line of inquiry
1. Stories help us learn about the past.
2. Games and activities from past to present
3. Similarities & differences from the past to the present

Descriptor: 1
Learner Profile: Communicators and Open Minded, Knowledgeable
ATL: Communication Skills, Research Skills

Life Cycles Needs and Wants of Living Things

Central Idea
Living things have needs that impact their survival.

Key Concepts
Form, Change, Connection

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Needs and wants of a plant, animal & human. (Form, Connection)
2. Life cycle of living things. (Change, Form)
3. Attributes and characteristics of living thing (move, grow & reproduce) (Form, Change)

Descriptor: 1
Learner Profile: Reflective, Thinkers
ATL: Research, Thinking Skills

Families, School, and Community

Central Idea
People collaborate in a variety of ways to help a community function.

Key Concepts
Responsibility, Function

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Being responsible in my immediate community (Responsibility)
2. Community helpers help our community (Responsibility)
3. Community involvement for students/families (Responsibility, Function)

Descriptor: 4
Learner Profile: Principled, caring, inquirer
ATL: Social Skills, Communication skills

My World

Central Idea
People use symbols and models to understand our world.

Key Concepts
Function, Connection, Form

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Symbols have meaning ( Function, Connection)
2. Understanding maps and globes (Form)
3. Models have meaning (Function, Connection)

Descriptor: 1
Learner Profile: Inquirer, Thinker, Risk-Taker
ATL: Thinking Skills

First Grade

Forms of Expression

Central Idea
People use creativity to express themselves and solve problems

Key Concepts
Form, Perspective

Related Concepts
Similarities & Differences

Line of inquiry
1. Communicating through the Arts (Perspective)
2. Engineering/design process (Form)
3. People appreciate creativity (Perspective)

Descriptor: 2
Learner Profile: Risk Taker, Thinker
ATL: Research Skills

How & Why Technology changes society, Light and Sound

Central Idea
People’s actions impact our world.

Key Concepts
Connection, Change

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Technology changes society (Change)
2. Light and sound impacts our lives (Connection)
3. Reasons why technology has changed (Change)

Descriptor: 4
Learner Profile: Reflective, Inquirers, Thinkers
ATL: Social, Thinking Skills

Families, Culture, & Roles

Central Idea
People have a role in their family and neighborhood.

Key Concepts
Function, Responsibility

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Roles people have in their family and community (Function, Responsibility)
2. Ways people work together in a group. (Responsibility)
3. Citizens have the ability to make good choices (Responsibility)

Descriptor: 5
Learner Profile: Communicators & Open Minded
ATL: Social Skills, Communication 

Goods and Services/Trading and Buying

Central Idea

Goods, services, and natural resources meet needs and enhance people's lives.

Key Concepts
Connection, Causation

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. People use goods and services to get what they need (Connection,)
2. Buying and trading (Connection, Causation)
3. Natural resources come from the earth (Connection)

Descriptor: 4
Learner Profile: Balanced, Caring
ATL: Social Skills

Animal Adaptations

Central Idea

Living things adapt to survive in their environment

Key Concepts
Change, Causation, Form

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1.Living things adapt to their environment (Change, Causation)
2. Needs of living things (Form)
3 Environments that plants and animals live in (Form)

Descriptor: 1
Learner Profile: Knowledgeable, Inquirer
ATL: Social Skills

Sun and Moon/Seasons

Central Idea
We organize time by patterns throughout the year.

Key Concepts
Causation, Form

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Patterns of the sun, earth, and moon (Causation)
2. Effect of seasonal changes (Causation, Form)
3. Patterns of seasonal changes (Causation)

Descriptor: 1
Learner Profile: Knowledgeable, Principled
ATL: Self-Management Skills

Second Grade

Feelings & Emotions

Central Idea
Understanding and communicating feelings impact learning

Key Concepts
Connection, perspective

Related Concepts
Body Control

Line of inquiry
1. Emotional well-being is imperative to learning (Connection)
2. Different points of view while self-regulating keeps you balanced (perspective)
3. Different points of view while communicating through the arts (perspective)

Descriptor: 2
Learner Profile: Communicator & Risk Taker, Balanced, Open Minded
ATL: Communication 

Environment, landforms, maps

Central Idea
Differing environments and resources around the world impact life choices

Key Concepts
Form, Causation

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Environment and its resources (Form)
2. Global landforms and bodies of water determine resources and people’s location (Causation)
3. Impact of land and natural resources on settlement (Causation)

Descriptor: 1
Learner Profile: Knowledgeable & Inquirer
ATL: Research Skills

Conflict & Resolution

Central Idea
Developing relationships within A community impacts the role of the community members

Key Concepts
Function, Responsibility

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
LOI: 1. Designs impact function (Function)
2. Communities solve problems (Responsibility)
3. Decisions and the impact they have (Responsibility)

Descriptor: 4
Learner Profile: Caring & Principled
ATL: Social Skills 

Preparing for My Future

Central Idea

Communicating interests prepare people for their futures.

Key Concepts
Responsibility, Connection

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Different careers take different levels of education (Responsibility)
2. Our responsibility while setting goals in preparation for life. (Responsibility)
3. Educational opportunities within our world (Connection)

Descriptor: 2
Learner Profile: Communicator, Risk Taker
ATL: Self-Management

Cause & Effect (Money & Science)

Central Idea

Financial decisions impact communities around the world.

Key Concepts
Form, Connection

Related Concepts
Cause & Effect

Line of inquiry
1. Determine materials best suited for an intended purpose (Connection, Form)
2. Financial choices affect/determine spending and saving. (Connection)
3. Money around the world differs visually and in value (Form)

Descriptor: 2
Learner Profile: Open Minded, Caring, Balanced
ATL: Social Skills

Living Things, Natural Resources

Central Idea
Change in Living Things over time affects life today.

Key Concepts
Change & Causation

Related Concepts
Cause & Effect

Line of inquiry
1. Living things survive (Causation, Change)
2. People have influenced change over time. (Change)
3.  Effects of natural resources. (Causation)

Descriptor: 4
Learner Profile: Knowledgeable, Inquirer, Reflective
ATL: Thinking, Research

Third Grade


Central Idea
Culture and climate impact how people conduct their daily lives and how they express themselves.

Key Concepts
Function, Causation, Perspective

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Climate impacts where people live (Causation)
2. Weather and climate have patterns (Function)
3. Culture affects how we express ourselves (Perspective)

Descriptor: 1
Learner Profile: Communicator, Open-Minded, Principled
ATL: Communication Skills

Forces of Nature

Central Idea
Scientific understanding of the forces of motion allows for the creation of inventions that impact everyday life.

Key Concepts

Form, Function, Causation

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry

1. There are scientific laws of nature (Form)
2. Tools and machines impact our world (Function)
3. There are different types of forces. (Causation)

Descriptor: 3
Learner Profile: Principled, Balanced
ATL: Self-Management, Thinking Skills

Immigration/Life Cycles

Central Idea

Culture and the distribution of resources affect the development of society and the movement of populations.

Key Concepts
Causation & Change

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Develop models to describe unique and diverse life cycles. (causation, change)
2. People immigrate for different reasons (causation, change)
3. Populations change over time. (causation, change)

Descriptor: 6
Learner Profile: Reflective, Risk Taker, Knowledgeable
ATL: Thinking Skills


Central Idea

Our rights as citizens are impacted by responsibility at a local, national, and global level.

Key Concepts
Responsibility, Connection, Perspective

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. There are different forms of government systems (Connection)
2. Citizens have rights and responsibilities. (Responsibility, Perspective)
3. People work together for the common good (Connection)

Descriptor: 1
Learner Profile: Reflective, Principled
ATL: Self-Management Skills, Thinking

Financial and Career Goals

Central Idea

Global and local economies are interconnected.

Key Concepts
Causation, Connection, Responsibility

Related Concepts
Cause & Effect

Line of inquiry
1. Available resources impact economies (Causation)
2. Citizens have responsibilities in their own economy (Responsibility)
3. People take risks to improve their family income (Causation, Connection, Responsibility)

Descriptor: 3
Learner Profile: Caring, Balanced
ATL: Social Skills

Pioneers, Movement

Central Idea
Movement can be a response to challenges and/or provide opportunities for change.

Key Concepts
Change, Causation

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. People move in response to challenges. (change, causation)
2.  People move for new opportunities. (change, causation)
3. Construction and improvement of models may solve problems. (causation, change)

Descriptor: 4
Learner Profile: Reflective, Knowledgeable, Risk-Taker
ATL: Research & Communication

Fourth Grade

Conflicts and Resolution, Persuasive Writing

Central Idea
People may use different techniques to persuade others.

Key Concepts
Perspective, Causation

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Cultural differences can cause conflict and change. (Causation, Perspective)
2. People express themselves in a variety of ways. (Perspective)
3. Strong arguments are supported by evidence. (Causation)

Descriptor: 1
Learner Profile: Open Minded, Communication
ATL: Social Skills, Thinking Skills

Natural Resources, Wind Energy, Buying & Spending

Central Idea
People construct and monitor knowledge to make decisions.

Key Concepts
Form, Connection

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. How energy is transferred in different ways and between objects. (Form, Connection)
2. How we use/convert energy to solve problems in the world. (Connection)
3. How resources affect different economies globally. (Connection)

Descriptor: 4
Learner Profile: Knowledgeable, Reflective, Thinker
ATL: Thinking Skills, Research


Central Idea
Communities and Organisms adapt to survive.

Key Concepts
Causation, Change

Related Concepts
Cause & Effect

Line of inquiry
1. Physical characteristics of living things change over time. (Change, Causation)
2. Cultural and environmental changes lead to adaptations. (Change, Causation)
3.  Art influences cultural designs in art and structure (Change, Causation)

Descriptor: 1
Learner Profile: Risk Takers, Communicator
ATL: Self-Management, Communication,

The Design Process, Using Maps to Show how People & Products Move

Central Idea

Communities work together to achieve goals.

Key Concepts
Function, Change

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1.  Communities depend on each other. (Function) 
2.  Healthy competition creates productivity. (Change)
3.  Visual representations are used to stay organized and communicate (Function)

Descriptor: 1
Learner Profile: Balanced, Reflective
ATL: Research

Agriculture Changes Over Time, Weathering and Erosion

Central Idea

Shifts in land structure lead to change.

Key Concepts
Change, Responsibility

Related Concepts
Cause & Effect

Line of inquiry
1. Earth changes over time (Change)
2. Methods of agricultural practices are used to adapt to Earth’s changes (Change, Responsibility)
3. Natural resources are limited and need to be shared. (Change, Responsibility)

Descriptor: 1
Learner Profile: Principled, Caring
ATL: Social Skills, Thinking

Exploration/Sioux City History, Math-place value/adding/subtraction/rounding

Central Idea
Human desire for exploration leads to discovery.

Key Concepts
Perspective, Change

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1.Factors affect the success of expeditions. (Perspective, Change)
2. Discovery of new land leads to new communities. (Perspective, Change)
3. Discovery of new people leads to cultural changes. (Perspective, Change)

Descriptor: 2
Learner Profile: Inquirer, Open Minded
ATL: Research, Communication

Fifth Grade


Central Idea
Individual perspectives compel action.

Key Concepts
Change, Perspective

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Individuals influence others
2. Forms of communication influence beliefs.
3. Working as a community towards a common goal.

Descriptor: 1
Learner Profile: Reflective, Open-Minded, Communicators
ATL: Communication & Social Skills

Forces of the Universe

Central Idea
Forces in the universe manipulate Earth’s Systems.

Key Concepts
Function, Causation

Related Concepts
Similarities & Differences

Line of inquiry
1. Forces of the universe are connected to Earth’s systems
2. Interpreting Data
3. Using patterns to predict outcomes

Descriptor: 3
Learner Profile: Inquirer, Balanced
ATL: Self-Management


Central Idea
Influences and interactions can contribute to change.

Key Concepts
Change, Form, Responsibility

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Factors can contribute to change.
2. Influences of humans and relationships.
3. Matter and it’s interactions

Descriptor: 2
Learner Profile: Principled, Caring
ATL: Social Skills


Central Idea

Interactions and components of systems can cause changes to occur.

Key Concepts
Causation, Function

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1.Interactions in an ecosystem
2. Components of a balanced system.
3. Examine problems and solutions.

Descriptor: 2
Learner Profile: Balanced, knowledgeable
ATL: Thinking Skills


Central Idea

People find ways to resolve conflict.

Key Concepts
Responsibility, Perspective

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Explore variables that influence change
2. The role and importance of human rights
3. Creatively communicate perspective with support

Descriptor: 4
Learner Profile: Risk Takers, Communicators
ATL: Communication

Exploration and Decisions

Central Idea
Exploration and decisions  can impact societies.

Key Concepts
Connection, Causation, Perspective

Related Concepts

Line of inquiry
1. Reasons and Consequences of exploration.
Communities are impacted by personal experiences.
Conflict and obstacles impact individual decisions and behaviors.
Descriptor: 5
Learner Profile: Thinker, Knowledgeable
ATL: Research Skills